In Search of Eagles: Part one

My friend Keith and I headed to the Washington coast to find and photograph the beautiful Bald Eagle. We both came back with a few keepers but the experience itself was priceless.

When I was a boy, it was a good month if you saw one Bald Eagle. This is a testimony to how powerful conservation efforts can be in restoring the natural habitat and bringing endangered species back from the brink. The Bald Eagle, originally numbering above 500,000 breeding pairs, had its numbers decimated in the 50’s and 60’s due to the use of the pesticide DDT. Through focused conservation, their numbers are rebounding and we are able to once again enjoy their presence on this incredible planet.

When I wasn’t photographing, I was filming and this short documentary is made available for you here but can also be found on my youtube channel. I hope you enjoy!


Understanding animal behavior and it’s role in getting great images


Using eBird for finding a shooting location